Micro Leaves Sonnenblume in der Vertikalen Indoor Farm von Herbeus

How it all began.

Herbeus. How it all began.

  • Foundation

    from Little Green Farms and Herbeus.
     First two proof of concept farms in Vienna, one in a garage, one in an apartment.
    First sales to restaurants in Vienna,, such as Steirereck.

    Verschiedene Cups Micro Greens von Herbeus.
  • Merger between Herbeus and Little Green Farms

    Kresse, Microgreens, Kraeuter und Gemuese
  • Relocation to Raasdorf

    Test farms in Vienna are closed. Now there was a 10x larger area compared to the previous farms.
    Introduction of the first automation in our production.
    First sales to large cash-and-carry companies like Transgourmet and Metro.

    Microgreens Start-up HerbeusCo-Founder im Lager bei Herbeus
  • First sales to the retail trade

    Despite the pandemic, we kept all our employees and continued to grow.  
    First sales to retailers with REWE.

    Erbsenkresse gestapeltHerbeus Kresse im Cup in den Sorten Radieschen Rioja, Schnittknoblauch und Kapuzinerkresse
  • Expansion of production capacity by 100% 

    to meet the growing demand.

    Pak-Choi Kresse in der Vertikalen Indoor FarmCup Kapuziner Kresse im violetten Licht der Vertikalen Indoor Farm von Herbeus
  • Expansion into further regions

    such as Germany, Slovakia and Hungary.

    Korianderkresse in der Vertikalen Indoor FarmBabyleaves in der Indoor Farm
  • Further investments in capacity expansion by 100%

    and in the further development of automation. Today, Herbeus works on over 2,000 m² with 25 employees.

    Kresse Radieschen Rioja und Radieschen Daikon und Schnittknoblauch, Perilla Rot, Pak Choi und Senf RotVertikale Indoor Farm HerbeusVertikale Indoor Farm
  • Launch of first Herbeus convenience products

    Herbeus Micro Leaves in the varieties cucumber, pea, sunflower and radish.

    Micro Leaves Sonnenblume von HerbeusHerbeus Micro Leaves Radieschen mit RadieschenbroteMicro Leaves Gurke