Micro Mixes. The variety.

The Herbeus Micro Mixes – 12 cups of 9×9 cm each in a box 30×40 cm- different flavors, different leaves and colors. The variety takes your compositions to another level. They are extremely aromatic and are particularly popular in top gastronomy to ensure that you always have the perfect quantity and freshness of micro greens to harmonize the taste of every dish, from appetizers to desserts.

The greens are most popular as a garnish for the main course, but some micro greens refine unusual desserts, classic drinks and cocktails or appear as an edible garden at the breakfast and salad buffet.

Yasai, Koji, Shiso or would you prefer Heurigen and Alpine Cress Mix? There are always new seasonal mixes.


Radish Rioja


Red Cabbage

Mustard Red

Radish Daikon

Micro Mixes.

Alpine Mix.

The local mix for fans of alpine delights.


Radish Rioja

Micro Mixes.

Heurigen Mix

The mix for minimalists and salad lovers.



Mustard Red


Radish Rioja

Radish Daikon

Micro Mixes.

Koji Mix

The color-balanced mix.

Radish Daikon

Mustard Red

Perilla Green

Perilla Red

Micro Mixes.

Perilla Mix

The mix for Asia fans.

Radieschen Rioja

Perilla Rot


Radieschen Daikon

Pak Choi

Senf Rot

Micro Mixes.

Yasai Mix

The mix for those who like to experiment.