Signature drinks and microgreens. Sorrel cress, pea cress, shiso & co are conquering the bar scene.

28. August 2024

Signature drinks and microgreens. Sorrel cress, pea cress, shiso & co are conquering the bar scene.

Use the unmistakable aroma and playful appearance of microgreens and microleaves for your signature drink. Shiso red, Shiso green, marigold, cucumber and sunflower leaves are not just a decorative topping for your drink creations, they also provide an unmistakably intense flavor kick.

Bars and clubs are constantly experimenting and trying out new ingredients to create new drinks with outstanding looks and flavors. Impress your guests with extraordinary cocktails, long drinks, spritz cocktails and spirits with microgreens and microleaves.

These aromatic mini plants take your drinks to another level and give them a certain finesse and an unprecedented aesthetic.

–> Find your favorite green for cocktails, mocktails and lemonades from our range

Microgreens are multi-faceted. They don’t just harmonize with alcoholic drinks. You are certainly familiar with them as an ingredient in vitamin-rich smoothies.

The tiny cresses are also quick and easy to use as a summer refreshment in trendy homemade lemonades such as basil, lemongrass, yuzu or ginger or as a floating decoration and flavor kick in mineral water and infused water.

Tip: For the perfect freshness of your summer lemonade and as a decorative highlight, make ice cubes with micro greens. Your guests will love them.

Share the results of your experimentation with us on Instagram!@herbeus_greens 

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